
What happened to week 6 and beyond...?

I quit.

Ok, I am kidding.

I didn't quit.  In fact just the opposite happened.  I kept training and adding on here and there.  I am sure I had a few off weeks, in fact I think week 8 sucked!  But after that things started to look up.  I doubled up on some of the training like did a swim-bike and a bike-run a few times.  All were successful including my last one on Wednesday where I biked about 16 miles and ran a 5k.  (Shocked that I wasn't sore afterwards).  So I feel good and ready to take on the triathlon tomorrow.

...Yes, tomorrow!

I'll post once more tonight on my thoughts before the race and the hopefully post again with some results and photos.

Done TRAINING!  (for now)

1 comment:

stamper2 said...

Get out there!!