I forgot how much I love competing. I remember getting totally psyched for big swim meets, or really just any swim meet or softball game. I haven't officially competed in anything like that since about my senior year of high school. (Unless you count my sad attempt at a 5k run last summer.) This feels good, like I should have been doing it all along. I should not have stopped competing and pushing. I only wish I would have given this whole triathlon idea a go-around when I entered my first year of college.
Either way, I am here now. And I am ready. I may not pull the best time or look like the most buff chic you've ever seen. I will probably get passed while running. But, I am ready. I followed a 12-week training guide for an Olympic Triathlon and I am only doing a Sprint. Physically I would say I am ready and probably mentally too. (Will this still burn? YOU BET IT WILL! But, I'm ready.)
Somewhere around week 7 or week 8 I came up with what you would call a "catch-phrase" for myself to repeat every time I would train. Basically how I look at my first triathlon.
Swim. Keep. Dig.
Swim: I know what your thinking, the first part "Swim" is um, pretty obvious? Maybe for some, but to me "Swim" isn't just what I do first. Swim is what I DO. It's what I have been doing since I was 6 years old, begging my mom to let me join the swim team. It's comfortable, it's even relaxing at times. At the same token it's hard, a very hard sport, but I love it. "Swim" is just what I do. I'm going to get in the freezing cold lake (61-62 degrees) and I'm just going to simply do what I love best- swim.
Keep: The second leg of the tri is biking. I may not be the world champ at biking, I'm no Lance Armstrong. But I did train fairly hard on the bike. I rarely (except in the beginning) rode only 12 miles. I usually pushed it to anywhere between 20-35 miles. I biked hills and I tried to bike fast when it was flat. So the bike part... keep it up, keep up... just keep pedaling. Keep.
Dig: Ahhh, running. It's almost like were so close to not being enemies. Dig is the best word that I can think of that will probably mirror what I am doing. You dig into the ground to run. You dig inside yourself to find the energy to finish. You dig inside your heart to find it in yourself to complete what you started, even if the last thing is the hardest. And it will be. Not only because it's last and I'll probably be tired from the other two legs but because running is my hardest sport. My calves will feel like they are tearing and my thighs will be burning. (Everything else will probably be fine, it's really just the legs!) That's okay though. I'm going to dig into the ground with my running shoes laced tight, I'm going to dig up some energy and I'm going to dig, dig, dig (DIG AUBRIE!) all the way across that finish line. Dig.
...And I'm totally going to dig this. ;)
Swim. Keep. Dig. Let's do this.
PS. Just for some fun little facts... I will be starting in the 6th wave at 8:20 wearing my purple cap. My goal is to, yes, finish but I now have a time in mind. I want to finish in 2 hours or less. Dave will be with me cheering me on, cause he's an awesome husband. And hopefully we'll have photos for you afterwards. Wish me luck and send some prayers my way around 8:20 tomorrow.
Good luck Aubrie and congrats for just doing it!! You've trained so hard. I'll be cheering from afar. Have fun!
Cheering for you from Indiana!!
I sort of feel sad..........like the ONE time I missed one of your high school soft ball games and you ROCKED on the pitchers mound that game! Dad and I were so bummed that we missed that ONE game! Today we are with you in our hearts.........love you!
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