
Week 3

Well week 2 came and went and I am already two days into week 3.  Week 2 was good... and bad.

I said last week I really wanted to push myself a little harder on Week 2, which I did... that was good.  My swims were pretty strong and my bike rides were longer.  I reached 13 miles on one ride and I FINALLY ran 3 miles again.  (I haven't ran 3 miles since my 5k.)  I was a little sore and a little more tired this week, that's what I wanted.  So the bad news.... well I only did 5 out of my 6 days.  Saturday quickly became my day of rest instead of Sunday.  So on Sunday I should've ran that day... but I failed to do so.  I did work in the yard for a couple of hours though, so at least I wasn't a couch potato.

My body is finding a few problems here and there, but I am trying to work through it.  My lower back keeps "giving" or pulling or whatever you want to call it.  It makes me a tad bit worried, but after I work out it's okay.  Strange.  It's more during times of rest that my back is yellin' at me.  I will admit the knees were a little sore after my 3 mile run...nothing that little ice and Advil won't fix.  The newest addition of aches and pains was during my swim my neck kept spasming and running down into my upper shoulder a little bit.  Well I swam yesterday, and it didn't bother me... so hopefully it was a fluke.

Week 3 is off to a good start... My swim on Monday was good, I did about 1400+ yards.  My run today was slllooow- but I wanted to take it easy today and make sure my knees and back are keeping up with me.  Tomorrow is another bike ride.... pray for sunshine!  The weather sucks for training right now, ugh Portland!

Week 3:

Monday- Swim: 1500 yards (main set 20x50's)
Tuesday- Run: 30 Minutes
Wednesday- Bike: 60 Minutes
Thursday- Run: 30 Minutes
Friday- Swim: 1800 yards (main set 10x150's)
Saturday- Bike: 2 Hours
Sunday- REST!

Keep Training,

1 comment:

stamper2 said...

Did you get a Dr's ok to do train for this? Just wondering :)