
Week 4

So after this week I will be a quarter of the way done with my training.  It goes fast!  Week four is actually suppose to be a "Rest" week, however looking at the training it doesn't seem very restful.  I guess if I want to I can either have an easy ride on Wednesday or a day of rest and that's all I see that is different lol.

So last week went well.  My bike ride on Wednesday was about 20 miles.  I went up to the Banks-Vernonia trail.  It's actually a gradual incline the whole way up, so the first 10 miles or so was my workout.  Then once I turned around I felt like coming back took me like 15 minutes.  :)  It's a very nice ride though, really pretty.  I am looking forward to riding even further this week.

My swims were good too- my whole neck thing didn't bother me.  Phew!  On Friday my main set was 1,500 yards!  All together on Friday I swam about 2,000 yards... I'm getting up there.  (Laughing to myself and remembering days when I would swim about 10,000 yards.)

You heard about my wimpy run on Tuesday, I ran... but it was very, very slow.  Thursday's run was better and a little longer- I ran about 2.7 miles.  The good news is that my knees didn't bother me the next day.

My bad news, once again is that I failed to bike on the weekend.  I was gone on Saturday allll day so I was going to ride on Sunday.  And the weather just got to me.  I don't have a rain jacket to ride in... and that's what it did on Sunday, rained.  (At least during the period of which I could've gone out to ride.)  So I skipped my long ride over the weekend, oops.  I did ride my bike to and from the gym on Friday- with a little extra mileage thrown in on the way back, so at least I did that.

I am keeping my fingers crossed for better weather this week!  At least when I ride and run, it makes both a lot easier when it's sunny.  I am looking forward to my big swim on Friday.  David and I have a special "date" on Friday night.  I have to swim a time 1,000.  So big Dave is going to be my counter for me.  It should be interesting- I don't think my husband has actually ever seen me swim like that before.  Afterwards I am thinking.... cheeseburger!  hahahhaha

Onward I train... into Week 4:

Monday: Swim- main set 750 yards total 1,300
Tuesday: Run- 30 minutes
Wednesday: Bike- 60 minutes (or take the day off to rest)
Thursday: Run- 30 minutes
Friday: Swim- 1,000 yard time trial
Saturday: Bike- 60 minutes

Keep Training,

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