

Seriously the Internet is out of control and I am losing my mind.  I don't know what I should have and what  I shouldn't waste my time with.  Whose blogs should I read?  What the heck is Stumble Upon?  Right now I have two blogs (one personal, one business) a Facebook, Twitter, a Website, a WPJA account, a 500px account, a Pinterest account and a Linked In page.  I have a list of crap I am suppose to check out and sign-up for... Delicious, Digg, Stumble Upon, etc.  Plus I am suppose to link everything together so that from my blog you can FB like me and then add it to your twitter and then check out my WPJA page and like some photos on 500px.  ...And I don't even know how to do it.

I am overwhelmed.

I feel like I need to hire someone to make sure that I am involved in everything and that they are all linked together.  I know... your asking yourself...why?  Well basically so I move up in the complicated world of SEO (search engine optimization).  Geez.  Some days it's too much...  and I just have to leave my computer and do something simple, like... drive to work. ;)

With ALL the sites to check out and crap to read, photos to like, etc. I will say that I really enjoy the 500px site.  My photographs are slime compared to some of these photographer's images.  Definitely check it out... and since your probably my friend or family member you can go ahead and like some of my photos so I move up in the world.  Ahh, another thing to put on your list of crap to look at. Don't you love the Internet?


Skipping and Sinking together today!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh dear do I have days like that! Sometimes I'm just too overwhelmed to open my computer (or look at my phone)! I wish I knew how some people do it and still seem to have a life!